LOCATION: Northern Ontario
SIZE: 6,920 hectares (69.2 km2)
Project Highlights:
- Hydrogen potential is present through both serpentinization and radiolysis, with the presences of subcircular depressions which may be indicative of gas and fluid percolation to the surface.
- Exploration target are structures near alkali intrusives which are associated with the mid-continent rift. The Project is adjacent to the Clay-Howells Alkali carbonatite intrusive, which is host to a rare earth element, thorium and iron resource.1
- Given the radiogenic nature of the intrusive, this has the potential to produce naturally occurring hydrogen (NOH) through radiolysis.
- The intrusives are associated with northeast trending regional faults that are likely linked to their emplacement, which may serve as a conduit for deeper seeded fluids and gasses.
- Additionally, the presence of magnetite or iron-rich rocks such as olivine have the potential to generate hydrogen through the interaction with water during oxidation and radiolysis.
- NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Clay-Howells Fe-REE Project, Ontario, Canada by Tetra Tech Wardrop dated September 26, 2011
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